The Importance of Fiberglass Pool Maintenance Services

Pool Maintenance Service In St. Charles County, MO

Summer in Missouri doesn’t last long, so make the most of sunny days and hire a professional for pool maintenance service in St. Charles County, MO. Your pool is an investment, so keeping it in good shape will mean you can enjoy many years of swimming and splashing.

One of the primary reasons people choose fiberglass pools is that they don’t take much to keep them looking great. Basic upkeep includes:

Regular Cleaning

One of the best ways to reduce debris accumulation is to invest in a pool cover. It keeps leaves, insects, pollen, and dust out of the pool. However, it’s not the final solution; you’ll need to vacuum, skim, and scrub the pool to keep the fiberglass and water looking great.

Adjusting the pH

You must monitor the water pH. Too alkaline and it won’t control bacterial growth; too low and it will cause skin irritation.

Running the Filter

Fiberglass pool filters only need to run once a day. Check how much water your filter can circulate per hour so you know how long it needs to run.

Maintaining the Correct Water Levels

The water level must stay above the skimmer in an inground pool to balance the upward pressure of groundwater. Without this balance, the fiberglass shell could heave out of place.

Your pool maintenance company can answer any questions about your installation. They are always happy to provide services that will keep it looking great all season long.

How Often Must You Clean & Maintain Your Pool?

Weekly Pool Cleaning Service In Missouri

If you think of your pool as a living organism, you’ll understand why it needs regular cleaning and maintenance to stay balanced. Take a few moments every day and develop a routine that keeps the water fresh and clear. When you also schedule a weekly pool cleaning service in Missouri, you’ll reap the rewards of a healthy, pristine pool.

Small Efforts Pay Big Dividends

Vacuuming and skimming your pool is one of the best ways to keep it looking incredible. Leaves, pollen, dust, and insects find their way into the water and drift to the bottom. Once there, they start to create a scum that can quickly get out of control. It’s best to stay ahead of any debris that falls into the water and keep the sides and bottom clean.

Perfect Your pH

The pH levels in your pool will indicate whether it’s safe to swim. Too low, you risk skin irritation; too high, and the bacteria can get out of control. Remember that 7 is neutral, which is where you want your pool alkalinity to sit.

Shocking Developments

Give your pool a shock treatment every week. It’s not the same as a major shock treatment from professional pool maintenance services, but it will help you stay ahead of issues. It’s also good to add algae preventative every week to keep growth at bay.

Talk to your local swimming pool contractor if you have any maintenance concerns.

The Health Benefits of Swimming in Fiberglass In-Ground Pools in Missouri

Fiberglass In-Ground Pools in Missouri

Taking a swim in fiberglass in-ground pools in Missouri is good for your mind, body, and soul. Unlike many of the other cardio exercises—such as running or biking—swimming works your entire body from head to toe so you can burn significant calories. Even better, you don’t have to be an Olympic swimmer to see results. Some of the benefits you can enjoy when regularly swimming in a fiberglass pool include:

Get Into Shape – If you are swimming at a moderate pace for about an hour, you can start to really burn away calories. Swimming at a more vigorous pace? Then expect to say goodbye to even more calories. An hour-long swim in your pool every day works out your entire body and tones your muscles while helping you to build your strength and endurance.

Lose Weight – You can enjoy the benefits of swimming at any time of the day or night, but if your goal is to lose weight, you might want to consider a morning swim before breakfast. Why? Because your carbohydrate stores have been depleted overnight, which means your body is more likely to raid your fat stores for fuel. This means you burn more calories during your AM swim while also waking up your body’s metabolism. Not too shabby if you want to stop being flabby!

Better Sleep at Night – In a 2010 study, scientists found that those who perform regular aerobic exercise were able to sleep better and longer—even if they suffered from a chronic sleep disorder. With just 30 minutes of aerobic exercise a day, you might notice an improvement when it comes to bedtime.

Good for Your Back – Dealing with back issues? Take some of the pressure off with a nice swim. Swimming is a low-impact, horizontal workout that counterbalances any time you spend sitting behind your desk or behind a steering wheel. And, unlike running or bike riding, there is no hard impact on your back.

Reduce Stress Levels – Regular exercise is a great way to release stress-relieving endorphins. Swimming takes this a little bit further when it comes to relieving stress. How? Because aquatic physical activities are less impactful on the body and help alleviate many of the painful symptoms and conditions caused by chronic stress.

Five Interesting Facts About Swimming Pools

Fiberglass Pools in St. Louis County, MO

There are few things as enjoyable on a hot summer day as going for a refreshing swim in a swimming pool. But did you know that the fiberglass pools in St. Louis County, MO, you enjoy have a long, rich history throughout the world? It is true! That is why we are excited to share five interesting facts you may not have known about pools.

1. President Gerald Ford Built the White House Pool in 1975
President Ford knew just how vital a good swim is, which is why he immediately built a pool on the White House lawn upon being sworn in. Not wanting to deal with nosy reporters, Ford also had a secret tunnel built that goes right to the pool.

2. The First Major Ship to Have a Pool Was the Titanic
Nowadays, it is hard to imagine a cruise ship that doesn’t have at least one pool on deck, but that wasn’t always the case. The Titanic started the trend with its medium-sized, 10 feet by 20 feet pool. The pool itself was filled with cold water from the Atlantic Ocean, which means it wasn’t quite the refreshing dip you’d find in one of today’s fiberglass in-ground pools.

3. Pool Filters Have Been Around for More Than 100 Years
Pool filters have been around almost as long as the swimming pools themselves. Why? Because finding a way to reuse the water in your pool was a must if you wanted to avoid bacteria and fungus or the hassle of constantly reapplying fresh water. To this very day, pool filters help us keep our water crystal clear for safe, comfortable swimming.

4. Around 95% of Swimming Pools Use Chlorine
While some people have started using other types of pool water cleaners, such as salt, Ozonators, and UV systems, most pool owners’ top choice is still chlorine. Why? Because nothing quite beats the sheer effectiveness of chlorine when it comes to keeping your swimming water sanitary.

5. Our Ancestors Had Swimming Pools Too
Having a refreshing swim in the water is something people have enjoyed since olden times. There are ancient drawings on walls in Egypt—dating all the way back to around 2,500 BCE—that show people swimming. That means swimming pools really are part of human history.

The Four Different Types of Inground Pools

Missouri Fiberglass Shell Pools

In Missouri, fiberglass shell pools are among the most popular, but there are other options when you’re thinking of investing in a backyard pool oasis.


These permanent installations use steel-reinforced concrete to form a shell. Concrete is a durable and porous material that holds water, provides stability, and can be replastered when needed. They can be sculpted into almost any shape and may have additional features added, like steps and ramps.

Alternative Finishes

If you have a concrete pool, you might want to upgrade the interior surface with an aggregate. Tile, stone, and man-made materials are popular choices for giving pools an elegant and luxurious appearance.


Fiberglass inground pools come as a single form that gets inserted into an excavated hole. These ready-made pools come in various shapes, with steps, spas, and benches usually pre-formed.


Vinyl pools cover metal or plastic frames and can be above or set into the ground. The liner sits on a bed of sand or other material with the top held down by coping to create a finished edge.

Each pool type comes with a different price point, so it’s best to talk to your local pool supplier to determine which style will fit within your budget. No matter your choice, you’ll appreciate the cool refreshment your pool offers during the height of summer.

The Benefits of Regular Pool Maintenance

Pool Maintenance Service in St. Charles County, MO

Owning a pool has its benefits, but like any major installation, it requires some maintenance. Once you know how to care for it, you’ll enjoy years of relaxation and entertainment as the sun reaches its zenith.

Longer Pool Life

Your St. Charles County, MO, pool maintenance service will protect your investment. Taking care of your pool means spending more days floating on the sparkling water. Clog-free filters, less debris, and minimal algae growth can help extend the life of your pool.

Safety First

Contaminated water irritates the skin and eyes; no one wants to exit the pool and end up with a rash or worse. Pool maintenance services will remove unwanted germs and ensure everyone spending their days in the water stays safe.

The Correct Chemical Balance

Pool pH balances get a headline of their own. High acidity levels can burn skin and cause eye irritation, so maintaining the correct balance is paramount.

Regular Attention Cuts Costs

The more time you spend maintaining your pool, the less money you will spend in the long run. Whether you do it yourself or hire pool maintenance services, staying ahead of issues is the best way to prevent expensive repairs.

When your pool is operating at maximum efficiency and everything is balanced, you can safely enjoy your time floating the days away and catching some rays.

Understanding Fiberglass Pools and Cold Weather

Fiberglass Pools in Missouri

If you are worried about how fiberglass pools handle Missouri winters, fear not. Fiberglass is one of the leading choices for pools across the nation because it is known for its versatility and strength. Your installation will easily sail through the winter when properly closed by an experienced pool company.

Structural Strength

Fiberglass doesn’t move much with fluctuations in heat and cold, making it the ideal choice for both inground and above-ground pools.

Chemical Stability

Fiberglass is a stable material, which means it doesn’t react to UV rays or pool chemicals and will maintain its integrity for years to come.

Material Strength

The high strength-to-weight ratio of fiberglass means it is resistant to damage and the wide temperature fluctuations of the seasons.


When you compare inground fiberglass pools to other materials, like concrete, it offers much more resilience when the ground shifts. You don’t need to worry about frost heave or pressure from the soil.

If you are concerned about how a fiberglass pool shell will stand up to the cold weather, speak to an experienced pool installation company. They will provide all the information needed to determine whether to choose one of the best ways to cool down during a summer heatwave.

Choosing the Best Month to Open Your Pool

Pool Opening Service in St. Charles County, MO

Every spring, pool owners ask themselves the same question: when should I open my pool?

The best time to schedule your pool opening service in St. Charles County, MO, is when the temperature is consistently above 70 degrees during the day. Although it may still be a bit cool to take a dip, there are good reasons to open your pool early:

Algae Growth

Algae growth can occur while your pool is still under wraps for winter. It can be challenging to get ahead of the growth if you leave your pool opening service to later in the season.

Mother Nature

Mother Nature sometimes decides to heat things up early, so it is nice when your pool is ready for action. If the temperatures rise, you will be ahead of the game and can spend extra time enjoying your fiberglass in-ground pool.


Pollen causes all kinds of problems for uncirculated water. If you open your pool while the pollen is at its peak, you are less likely to discover a yellow lagoon in your yard.


Many pool owners believe that the earlier in the season you open your pool, the more it will cost you. However, the reality is that it doesn’t cost much more than waiting until later in the season.


Fiberglass pools are an esthetic choice as well as a practical one for homeowners. There is nothing quite like enjoying an early-season barbeque at the poolside.

What Do I Need to Know to Install a Pool?

Swimming Pool Builders in St. Louis, MO

You’ve always dreamed of a pool to float your cares away on a hot summer day. Once you have a budget and a location, it’s time to start planning. Your first step is to call swimming pool builders in St. Louis, MO, to prepare for the process. They’ll provide the information needed to ensure a smooth operation so you can enjoy your pool as soon as the sun reaches its zenith.


Although you want a large pool, you may have to adjust your goals if your yard can’t accommodate the dimensions. Consider the square footage of your space and select an appropriate pool size and shape.


Pools are available in several materials, including concrete, vinyl, and fiberglass. Concrete pools may have the highest price tag, but they also last the longest.


You’ll need an electrician who understands the codes and requirements for pools. Because you have a large volume of water in combination with electricity to run the pump and heater, it needs to be right.


Some swimming pool builders have an in-house plumber, but if they don’t, you’ll need someone who knows how to plumb a pool correctly.

Your pool is a permanent fixture that can add property value, elevate the esthetic of your yard, and enhance your summer. If you have all the information you need before committing, you’ll never regret the investment.

Are Concrete Pools Easier to Maintain?

Concrete Pools in Missouri

Perhaps you’re trying to decide between vinyl, fiberglass, or concrete pools in Missouri. Although you may have budgeted for the initial expense, you need to consider the ongoing costs of having a pool. While a concrete pool is a luxurious addition to your backyard, is it worth the maintenance required to ensure it stays looking great?

It’s important to understand that the upkeep of a concrete pool is along the same lines as its installation; it comes at a premium. But while the price tag far exceeds vinyl and fiberglass pools, you can’t beat the esthetic of a custom pool.

A Roster of Requirements

Concrete pools require more extensive ongoing maintenance, which includes:

Regular acid wash
Minimizing algae growth
Annual professional cleaning
Steel brushing weekly
Twice daily filter circulations
Closely monitored water chemistry

The Leading Choice

Despite the maintenance, concrete pools lead the way in permanent installations. They are an excellent investment, add incredible luxury to your yard, and are entirely customizable. If you prepare for the initial cost and know the service requirements, you will likely be far happier with concrete than settling for a fiberglass or vinyl pool.

However, if you’re unsure what installation will work best for you, talk to your local pool supplier about your options. No matter the material, your swimming pool is sure to be a popular destination for family, friends, and neighbors who want to take a relaxing dip.