fiberglass pool

Signs It’s Time to Replace Your Fiberglass Pool

After many seasons of relaxation and summer-time fun, your fiberglass pool might start to show its age. When you notice issues creep in, you need to decide whether a repair will buy it one more summer or if you need to invest in a new one. If you’re unsure whether to replace your fiberglass pool in Missouri, consider some signs that will help you make the best decision.

Spider Cracks in the Gel Coat

Spider cracks in your fiberglass pool, just like wrinkles on a face, can make it look aged. Although cracks in the gel coat seem like structural issues, often they are only cosmetic. While these cracks are relatively common, a pool replacement may be in order if you’re unhappy with how they look.

Bulging Walls

Backfill material used during the installation of your pool can get saturated with water. When it does it, it can press against the walls, causing them to bulge. Although fiberglass can flex, an aging pool will show increased signs of this issue. Shopping around for a new concrete or fiberglass pool is probably a good idea.

Color Matching

As your pool ages, so does its color. Despite a range of color matching options on the market, a seamless patch isn’t always possible. If you’re particular about the appearance of your pool, a replacement might be the way to go when you have color issues.